Computer Vision

If you have a job that requires you to spend long hours looking at a computer, and so many jobs today do require this, you may get some vision problems from this practice. It can cause a syndrome called computer vision, and this comes with a number of irritating symptoms. You may have tired eyes, strained eyes, etc. Blue light lenses can help with some of the symptoms. If you need an eye doctor in Richfield, UT, call us at Valley Vision Clinic & Optical to make an appointment with an optometrist for your eye exam. 

Computer Vision

How Digital Eye Strain Develops

When someone is reading from a screen, it makes the eyes work significantly harder than when reading print or looking at objects. This can cause a lot of problems for your vision as well as the health of your eyes. Many hours reading a screen can result in eye strain and other symptoms. This can cause temporary vision problems and pain. Reading a screen also results in the eyes blinking less often than is necessary for keeping the eyes well-lubricated. This can cause people to develop dry eye and have a lot of eye irritation and soreness. 


Computer vision can cause the eyes to feel tired. It may also cause the eyes to turn red or have blurry vision. You may feel like your eyes are dry, and you may have stinging, burning, or itching. You may find that your eyes are often irritated, and they may water as the body tries to overcompensate for the dryness and irritation. You may also get headaches as well as back and neck pain. When you are suffering from any of these symptoms, it may be time to see the eye doctor about your vision problem. There are ways that the symptoms can be relieved for many patients. 

How to Get Help 

It can help to wear blue light lenses to block a harmful wavelength of light from reaching your eyes. This can mean that you have less eye fatigue. Another way to treat this condition is to take breaks regularly from looking at the computer screen. A standard recommendation is to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes. During each break, look at an object that is about 20 feet from you. These breaks will give your eyes the breaks they need to relieve symptoms that you may have. If you do this every day, it can be significantly effective for making your eyes feel better. 

Visit an Optometrist on Our Team

So many jobs today can result in strained eyes. If you have some of the symptoms of this condition, call our Richfield, UT, office at (435) 896-8142 for Valley Vision Clinic & Optical to schedule an appointment for an eye exam and to get blue light lenses. 


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